Open Studio Minutes

Here’s what happened at the last meeting…

Open Studios planning meeting on Thursday,
Aug. 13, 2015:

1.  It was decided that we will look into buying advertising space for open studios in the Nov/Dec issue of Art New England. Deadline for space reservation is Sept. 11. Deadline for materials is Sept. 18.
2. David will call for submissions of art images to be used on poster, postcard, and print ads. He will then design these items with the following alterations from previous years:
– Posters will be printed in a smaller size as it has sometimes been a problem finding space for the larger posters.
– Pertinent information on posters will be located toward the center of the poster to ensure it is not covered by adjacent posters.
– Postcards will be printed in standard size, not “jumbo” size.
3. David will send out Shaune McCarthy’s revised letter to potential guest artists explaining the new jurying process along with application for registration.
4. Joel Paul will be contacted to make sure he will still be in charge of musicians.
5. Downtown Dogs will be providing food during the event. We will find out if the man who set up his portable pizza oven is still willing to provide pizza for the event as well.
6. Garrison Players will be contacted to make sure they will once again perform during the event.
7. Management has said that artists are allowed to paint their studio doors if they want. They have also agreed that it is fine for artists (even artists who do not participate in open studios) to hang a piece of art in the corridor or foyer accompanied by the artist’s name and studio number. ONLY ONE piece per artist, and please be sensitive to the nature of what you display. (For general audiences only).
8. Discussion to be continued for possible “invitation only” private event Friday evening before open studios for gallery owners, friends, and known art buyers. Space would be in the lower mill and could be left up for the duration of open studios weekend provided we can find volunteer gallery sitters.
9. Roger to order more passports.
10. Lore Burbank has agreed to be in charge of volunteer greeters.
11. The next open studios planning meeting will be at 7 p.m.
on Thursday, Aug. 27 in the 4th floor kitchen of the lower mill.

Minutes of the Open Studios meeting April 23, 2015

The group met in the 4th floor kitchen of the lower mill. As usual, the meeting was held to one hour in duration. The meeting began with an update of progress for ongoing items as follows:
1. 37 people (25 resident and 12 guests) have signed up and paid to participate as of April 23rd. The directory will be finalized and printed early the week before open studios to allow as many late-comers as possible to be included in the printed directory. Those not signed up need to sign up NOW!
2. Posters have not been distributed to the pre-determined locations in many NH towns because of a lack of volunteers.
3. More than 800 postcards were sent out via MailForce to our growing list of visitors who have signed up to be notified by mail.
4. Visitors who asked to be notified of future events by e-mail have been notified.
5. David designed a print ad and submitted it to both Hippo and the Maine Sentinel to run in the issues that are published just before open studios.
6. Roger reported that the radio ads have been submitted and will run beginning the week before open studios.
7. People are encouraged to visit our new Website ( and artists and businesses  are urged to submit artwork to be included if they have not already done so. This is a free way to gain attention not only for our entire community, but also for individual artists and businesses.
8. Lore Burbank reported that high school volunteer guides are pretty much all set. Her plan is to have two greeters at each mill all the time. There will also be volunteers to help visitors load in and out beginning Friday evening. David will deliver to her T-shirts and buttons for the staff, and passports, signage, etc. for the welcome tables.
9. Roger will e-mail George Emmons the revised “rules and regulations” to be sent to participating guest artists.
10. David will produce large vinyl banners for “ADDITIONAL PARKING.” He will also produce “START HERE” signs for both main entrances and “USE MAIN ENTRANCE” signs for side doors.
11. George Longfish volunteered to post our two large plywood roadside signs the week before open studios. Dawn Durocher’s daughter will post the small roadside signs using the map of pre-determined locations provided her.
12. David will be placing “OPEN” signs above appropriate studios and making sure LED lights have fresh batteries. People are responsible for turning their LED lights on and off during open studios weekend.
13. It was agreed that we would have one more planning meeting on the Thursday just before open studios to see if anything still needs out attention. 7 pm. in the 4th floor kitchen of the lower mill.

Copyright © 2015 Mill Artists, All rights reserved. You are on this list because of your interest in Open Studios at The Mills at Salmon Falls.
Our mailing address is:Mill Artists1 Front StreetRollinsford, NH 03869