Claire Bigbee

Claire Bigbee, Painter, Mixed Media – Studio 422
Phone: 207-251-3730

Claire Bigbee, a Maine resident, takes her inspiration from the grandeur of southern Maine’s varied landscapes and changing seasons. To Claire, coastal views, salt marsh settings, and cows grazing in pastoral fields reflect Maine’s unlimited ranges of color and light. She works intuitively and strives to let her work arrive at its essence by staying open to the possibilities that spontaneously emerge while the painting is underway. Whether capturing a moment in time, or reflecting a remarkable spectrum of colors, there is a distinctive energy and harmony in Claire’s art.

She is currently represented by Portland Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth,  Art Gallery in Portland, Van Ward Gallery in Ogunquit, The Framer’s Workshop & Fine Art Gallery in Wells and “Soul” in Perkins Cove, Ogunquit.

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Dunn Farm Cow Collection